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Taking the Mayors Challenge

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Today is the day. For all of you out there who like to procrastinate and for all of you who have your best ideas when under the most pressure, you have until 5pm today to submit your best solution to solving a local problem, one that could have national implications.

In a program set up by New York City's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, $9 million ($5 million to the best idea, $1 million each to four runners-up) are up for grabs for funding creative ideas deemed by Bloomberg's foundation to have the greatest potential. In Lexington, Mayor Gray has reached out to community innovators in an effort to improve the city and draw upon its immense local talents.

If you're interested, click here and get started on the intentionally streamlined submission form. Remember, this is primarily the idea stage, so if you have ideas on how Lexington can become better, more efficient, more attractive, or a friendlier community, the time to voice your concept is now. For more information and some examples of what the Mayors Challenge is seeking go here.

It would be very exciting indeed to bring some money home in this competition, and we believe there are some beautiful minds around town that can make that happen. If you go for it, good luck!