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Why Website Design Matters

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Far too many business owners make the mistake of underestimating how much their design choices impact the success of their business, everything from the common perception of the business to the excitement level of potential new customers.

Like it or not, people judge you by your visuals, whether it's a sign out in front of your store or a website. If you put very little thought, planning, and effort into your first impression, customers rightly make the assumption that you're likely to cut corners in other ways, too. They also assume you don't have enough sense to realize how you're being perceived.

These types of shortcomings reflect poorly on you and can cause customers to move along to check out your competitor. This is especially true online where your rival's website is just a click away. There's no driving across town or even flipping through a phonebook-it's right there at the touch.

Not meant to be scary, this instead offers a golden opportunity on the flipside. Make a great visual impression with your logo, sign, business card, and website (all of which Trifecta can do for you) and the next customer is likely hooked, ready to establish contact, and hopping on the road to a buying decision.

This is one of the basics of how business works ... let us help you knock it out of the park with one of our unique designs.