Where Your Business's Most Captivated Audience Is
For those of us well positioned enough to have a following on social media (places like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) we have a targeted, friendly audience ready to receive our next message directly and instantly. This is powerful stuff.
So it comes as a bit of a surprise at how poorly we leverage this resource. We may spend days and weeks on advertisements for radio or TV, and then when it comes time to speak to our most passionate supporters, for some reason, the air comes out of the creative balloon.
"Click here to see our latest blah-blah snooze zzzzz.........."
Not only that, when we do get around to important announcements and clever copy, we fail to reach as many of our followers as we should. Some of that is understandable because platforms like Facebook have changed so significantly over the years. What used to be essentially free to businesses isn't free anymore.
But here's the thing-for what you receive in return, it's still pretty cheap to promote a Facebook or Twitter post, and it can bring a great return on investment. Believe me, when you have relevant content or exciting announcements, you want as many of your core customers to hear you as possible.
If you need help wading through the muck of promoted Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, and LinkedIn ads, we at Trifecta are ready to help. Just drop us an email or give us a call, and we'll get started.