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Connect with Customers on Mobile

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With the recent unveiling of Apple's new iPhone 5, smartphone connoisseurs have received their first look at iOS 6. How far we've come in just a few years of mobile web. Given the growth in this area and the obvious trend toward the future, business owners should not delay on maximizing their web presence and accessibility via tablets and smartphones.

Consider an app for your business. Chances are you provide a service of some type, and chances are also good that some aspect of this service could be translated into an app form. If the service is information related, creating a smartphone app has the potential to reach additional customers in an efficient and streamlined manner that is appealing to the tech savvy consumer base. If your service is more of a physical product, a smartphone app still has the ability to offer product info and availability, paving the way for additional sales. We have reached an era in business where the customer expectation is information on-demand at all times, and the business that best delivers on this point is ahead of the game.

Aside from developing an app, utilizing responsive web design in website creation is the best way to reach as many users as possible. Remember, each user is a potential or existing customer, and communication via the web can be as impactful as a face-to-face encounter. Responsive web designs are equipped to be viewed on smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops...whatever the user has. The benefits are obvious, as is the goal of reaching customers, no matter the viewing environment.