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How to Identify Website Trouble

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Maintaining Your Website: Ensuring Lasting Excellence

When built well, websites are nearly perfect when launched. The navigation makes sense. The links work. The content is well organized and relevant. But as months turn into years, websites tend to become stale and plagued by navigational oddities.

Once in a while, it's worth it to take the time to check your website for certain problems. By correcting them, you'll improve the user experience and help retain/obtain customers. If you find problems you canĀ“t correct, it's a clear signal that you need professional help. Here at Trifecta, we're always happy to help.

Check the links on your website. Though the main links are most important, dig down a bit deeper, especially into pages your analytics tell you are being used the most. Dead links are always an opportunity lost. (Your visitors wouldn't be clicking them if they didn't care about accessing the lost page.)

View your website on a smartphone or tablet. With the explosion in mobile browsing the past few years, older websites are looking mighty out of step on the new devices. If you don't like what you see, you need to consider developing a responsive website design.

Also, don't forget to look at the content. Do the pictures convey the enticing image you'd like? Does the text reflect your current business offerings, or have things changed considerably since you designed the site? Misinformation and poor visuals are common problems, and they really detract from the overall goals you should have for your website. Managing your website content is a critical ongoing task.

After all, people visit your site to find out information and to be convinced that they should offer you their business. Don't let your website give them a bad impression.