Lawyers Leaving Yellow Pages
Transition of Legal Ad Dollars: Yellow Pages to Internet - A Wake-up Call for Businesses
A good read from the folks at regarding the transition of legal ad dollars from yellow pages to internet. People generally don't use Google to take them to yellow page search sites. In fact, yellow page search engines aren't a major player at all when it comes to capturing internet users.
Less [sic] than 13% of consumers ages 25-34 consider the yellow pages their primary source for finding businesses, along with less than a quarter of consumers ages 35-44.
Joe Walsh, the CEO of Yellow Books, admitted that the yellow pages will probably no longer exist in some markets in the next five years.
Leading yellow page publishers Idearc (formerly Verizon Yellow Pages) and R.H. Donnelley filed bankruptcy in 2009. Even people who continue to use this resource tend to use it primarily to look up the phone number of businesses they already know, not to comparison shop or to find information about new businesses. As Don Benton, founder and CEO of the sales and consulting firm the Benton Group notes, "Yellow pages are not a branding tool. They're dependent on a brand that is already established and recognized."