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2011 Year End Review For Your Blog

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Okay, so you have your business wired into social media and you've been cranking out blog entries for while now. But let's face it: sometimes you're hard-pressed for ideas. If you're in one of those idea ruts, we're here to help.

There are hundreds of great blog topics waiting to be explored, but one hot one that you'll see repeated over and over to great effect in the coming month is some type of 2011 recap. No matter what business you operate, it has been a busy year in a lot of ways. Ask yourself what notable things happened during the year and share them with your audience. You might even want to ask your blog/social media readers to offer up their favorites from the year, too, generating conversation, interaction and (hopefully) a little bit of fun.

Here are some more sample questions to help you as you think about what youĆ¢EURTMd like to revisit from 2011.

What new services or products did you introduce? What were some memorable interactions you had with customers? What big changes took place within your storefront or website? What public appearances did your business make (charity, parade, etc.)? What employees deserve special recognition or received special awards?

Feel free to brainstorm on your own. You may find that you have more topics than you can even cover. Good luck and have a great end of 2011!